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Came to Believe 
 A Journey of Trust, Faith and Perseverance

Came to Believe book cover

Came to Believe, A Journey of Trust, Faith and Perseverance is my spiritual memoir of how I had a shift in perception about my life. It is my healing journey from growing up in a fatherless home, being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, living with the disease of alcoholism, and the unconditional love between a mother and daughter. By trusting in a power outside of myself, putting my faith in the Angels and the Universe I persevered. This memoir is how I Came to Believe in the power of manifestation and miracles.


Came to Believe is available in paperback and kindle.  



"I "came to" know Tara LaDue through Instagram. It still amazes me how easy it has been to connect to your soul tribe through social media. Getting to know Tara the last couple of years and watching her reach her goal of writing this book has been nothing short of inspiring. She has shown through intention and hard work, that everything is possible. I believe that everything comes to us at the right moment to help us. I had ordered Tara's book months ago but had some other books lined up that I was reading first. The day I felt compelled to read Came to Believe: A Journey of Trust, Faith and Perseverence, I was struggling with a right foot injury. Tara's book begins with her breaking her right ankle, the beginning of her awakening. There were so many similarities that I found in myself through Tara's book: her love of Wayne Dyer and all things Hay House, being the caretaker, not wanting to depend on other people, OCD tendencies, and on and on. I fully appreciate Tara's honesty and willingness to expose the innermost parts of herself in order to heal. It is truly brave and I admire it so. I know you will find yourself in her story too, because it is clear in reading, that her story was not only meant to heal herself, but to help heal others. I learned so much about the archangels, chakras, angels, and manifesting through Tara's book. This is her memoir, but it also is a useful guide to learn about the steps from going from a job that pays the bills, towards transitioning to the life you really want. Came to Believe is overflowing with spirituality. Tara is quite a gifted card reader. She is connected to the angels, and is constantly deepening that connection though yoga, classes, courses, books and more. She helps us to remember how divinely guided we are, and that even in difficult times, we are never alone. The divine is always holding our hand, we just need to grab it right back. Came to Believe shows how life lines up for you when you release your intention to the universe and let go of outcome. Tara LaDue guides us through the synchronicities, miracles, and manifestations that occur throughout her journey. She shows us how much you can grow from a (in her case literal) fall. I highly recommend this book. Tara's journey reminds me of the text Footprints in the Sand. She is unable to put both feet on the ground and is carried on this spiritual adventure to becoming who she really is. Not only is Tara a beautiful soul, she is an inspiration for anyone wanting to change, grow, realize their dreams, forgive, inspire, heal, and trust."

-Kerri M.

"This book is amazing! It is incredibly well written and inspiring. It seems to come from such a genuine place and the author shares a painful past, but the way she overcomes the obstacles blocking her way will inspire you. She not only survives but thrives in her journey and forced me to look a memoir, but it's so much more than that... It's a springboard to help each of us find our own "came to believe" moment. I wholeheartedly recommend this book. I believe it will help a lot of readers to find their own paths to enlightenment. Plan to have time to read when you start... I couldn't put it down. Enthusiastic five star review!" - Cristin, AZ 


"Setting a goal and following the guidance that appears as a suggestion from angels...or the universe, or from God's answers to our desires following hints and clues from others around us is always fun...but have to do the work and follow through.
This new author has accomplished this with a determination that is admirable. Showing such confidence to pursue and accomplish these goals. Sharing her life's challenges with an open heart, and with rare and raw emotion, in her willingness to tell the story of her journey, so far, to help others who may be inspired to pick up her book. The cover is lovely and has a bright welcoming energy from Tara that inspires your interest. Inside you will be able to understand Tara's pain, and feel her strength in an interesting and easy to read conversational writing style. This is a hopeful book.And as always, Angels love to have fun with us as we hear from dyslexic angels who like to joke, making fun of themselves...Angels? Yep." - Linda, CA 


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